soul  sisters  international


Nancy Ortberg

Nancy Ortberg has over twenty-two years experience in sales, service and the healthcare industry,

including eighteen years in leadership roles. She has in addition, led a staff team in the recruitment

and mobilization of thousands of volunteers as well as spoken internationally and domestically on

topics of leadership and the creation of corporate culture.

In the first half of her career, Nancy worked in hospital and healthcare administration, providing leadership and

team development in large medical organizations. From 1991-2003 she held leadership positions in sales and

marketing and did extensive work with non-profit organizations.

Nancy is passionate about improving personal and organizational effectiveness and believes that teams are the

most dynamic way to produce those results. She believes in helping people bring the best of who they are to what

they do best. Her particular interests are in analyzing and catalyzing the flow of energy and strategy in healthy, dynamic

leadership teams.

She has previously been a consulting partner with Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Some of

the clients Nancy has worked with are: Addison Avenue Federal Credit Union, Grupo Gallegos Advertising Agency, Omnicell,

Cisco Systems, Mobile Messenger, Solvay Pharmaceuticals and Linkage. 

Nancy currently serves as the CEO of Transforming the Bay with Christ, seeking to help catalyze a holistic Gospel movement

in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

She has raised three grown children and lives with her husband in Menlo Park, California.

Speaker:Nancy Ortberg

Title:Faith Matters

Greenwich Bible Study Luncheon